Friday, July 3, 2009

Social Media and Cycles

I started this blog because I have something to say...

and I don't want to mess up my business blog (

I just read an blog at that was written about social media hype and those who are hyping (that's a word, right?) it. Scott's blog refers to another blog that he says has bias toward social media. I'm not going to post the other blog because it looks like someone researched a lot of SEO phrases and put them into an article.

I agree with Scott that marketing people are biased towards social media. I also agree that old marketing strategies still have value.

There are a couple things that have been nagging me about social media.

Firstly, social media are driven by the people. I think it was Justin Foster of who pointed out on a podcast that audience driven agenda (crowd sourcing was what he was talking about) isn't new. Socrates (help me out if I'm wrong, Justin) referred to the people as "the polity", so what's happening now isn't new, we just have new tools to do it with. (I can end sentences with prepositions because I'm an American, and I'm celebrating Independence Day! Happy July 4th!)

The second thing that worries me is that things tend to be cyclic. I'm a latecomer to social media. I started a group on Facebook called "My Wife Made Me Join Facebook", and I was mostly joking when I did it. Now I have a company that has some great product offerings and I'm looking for ways to spread the news. Am I too late? I may have missed the wave.

I listen to a podcast at Somewhere in one of their interviews, the phenomenon of pop-up windows was discussed (not disgust, discussed). In the beginning, the pop-up windows were very effective, but the audience became hardened to them relatively quickly. I worry that social media may go the same way. There are thousands of us who are eloquent, erudite, etc. and we're all beginning to say something. I expect that people will start covering their ears after a while. This is especially true because social media are driven by the people.

Next time: Social media, Cycles and Seats

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