Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hi, everyone!

I moved my business blog to wordpress for SEO reasons.

I'm also moving this blog to wordpress.

See you there!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Leadership: Mentoring to build confidence by Sergeant Whatisname

I was chatting with a real estate agent today. We were talking about personality and talents and how they affect what we do for a living.

The agent had recognized that one of her skills was organization. She was really good at making sure all the details in her contracts were managed. Sometimes she has come across as tentative because she has needed all the the information so that she can "own" the process and make it a success.

This drive for excellence wasn't what it seemed though. Her attitude wasn't "I'm professional", it was fear of failure. Her past had been ruled by people who questioned her judgement and undermined her decisions. There's no relief, even in success.

My direction in life has led me down different paths. I've thought about the self-confidence that I have and from whence it came. There have been times in my life where I was left to grow on my own and there have been mentors along the way as well. What did the leaders in my life do to instill confidence?

Here's an anecdote that I hope you'll find valuable. It took place while I was in the army and I'd like to give the NCO credit by name but I don't see him on social networking sites. I'll give him his privacy until I know otherwise. In deference to him and to Kipling, I'll call him "Sergeant Whatisname." It takes a bit of background for this to develop--for this I beg your patience!

I was eighteen and a few months out of basic training. The army had seen fit to install me in Monterey, California for some language training. Mixed in with us "newbies" were soldiers who had seasoning.

These were the people we looked up to. They had "been there, done that." They were put in charge of us and made sure we met army standards. This included "PT" or physical training.

A few of us were struggling with the physical part of army life. Many had joined in order to pay off college loans or make ends meet. Their prior life hadn't given them the physical fitness or discipline to do what they now required. Running was an issue those first few months on the hills of Monterey.

Luckily, I could run. I was able to help a few around me. That's when I got picked up to help with the remedial runs. Sergeant Whatisname grabbed me and we started a nice 3 mile run with 7 or 8 people. They started straggling a third of the way through the run. Sergeant Whatisname told me to watch over the last three stragglers.

We continued to run, but Sergeant Whatisname was out of sight. One of my stragglers was starting to flag--she couldn't control her breathing or her rhythm well. What should I do? We were only halfway through the run.

I turned the group around. This really bothered me because I was a private, an E-2. I could imagine getting reamed by Sergeant Whatisname for thinking on my own. There were many times in basic training where the words "I just thought" led to push ups and the tender attentions of a drill sergeant!

I had everyone cool down and stretch when we got back and then I told them they could go. I didn't want to get chewed on in front of an audience. I waited and stewed.

Sergeant Whatisname got back with his group and asked if everyone was alright. I told him what had happened and what I did. I ended by saying I didn't know if what I did was right.

That's when Sergeant Whatisname gave me a big lesson in leadership. He told me that there had been no-one else around to ask and that I had made the decision to the best of my ability. He told me that no-one should be judged for that.

The story may not seem to be big to you. Let me ask you this: Do you give those around you the same benefit? Sergeant Whatisname could have led me by fear but instead gained my respect by helping me grow.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

A brush with Excellence

I took a trip to McCall, Idaho yesterday. I went to attend a meeting related to business but I left with some lessons in customer service.

I'm going to blog about the first lesson at You may want to look for it later today.

The meeting ran to lunch. In fact, lunch was provided, but I wanted to visit one of the local restaurants. I have history in McCall. I worked there for about six months a number of years ago. I was hoping that Panda Restaurant was still serving their spicy mandarin chicken.

The owner of Panda is Daniel Niu. He has no idea who I am. If you're planning on opening a restaurant, go to Panda, buy a meal and watch him!

He does so many things right:

Daniel takes pride in his product. I truly wasn't hungry--I had a sandwich at the meeting earlier, but I wanted a taste of the spicy mandarin chicken. My wife was with me and she hadn't been to the restaurant before. I wasn't sure if she'd like what I would order, so she ordered a "safe" item on the menu. I took a couple bites of my dish (it was what I remembered!) and then ended up swapping plates, since my wife liked the mandarin. Daniel noticed the exchange and made sure we were happy.
Nearby, another customer asked Daniel what "Snow White Chicken" is. Daniel's explanation was more than giving a description. His passion for his food came out when he talked about the dish.

Daniel invests in relationships. One of the tables was occupied by some young ladies. Daniel knew them and asked about the kids that normally came. Later on, he brought a big bag of fortune cookies for the kids at home. Wow!
Daniel also knows when to give his customers space. My previous visits to Panda had been alone, with a book. The view of Payette Lake is great from the restaurant or the patio. Panda was an escape from work where I could enjoy the food, the view and some peace. Daniel was great about respecting my space.

I measure Daniel's success as very high. McCall isn't precisely a resort town, but things are expensive there. Restaurants have gone within a few months of opening. Yet Daniel serves economically priced lunches ($7 range) and has done it consistently for years. His service left a big enough impression on me that I came back...after five years.

Thanks for a great experience, Daniel!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Catching reality...with my chin!

It's been a while since I've put finger to keyboard here.

My comfortable life was interrupted by a move. For a number of reasons, my wife and I chose to rent rather than to buy a year ago. While we've avoided some exposure to a falling market, we've found out that we're still vulnerable. Our landlord put the house up for sale.

Now I'm a firm believer that stresses in life reveal our character. Moving is one such stress! But you don't get many moments for introspection while you're moving.

I found a moment to contemplate on Friday, the 31st. This was the day we were going to be out of the house since there was no sense in paying for two places at once.

I was preparing to wrap up the final challenge to the move: towing a just started VW bug project to our new digs. My mood was self-congratulatory since I felt that I had done what needed to be done and was on time.

I don't have a good history when it comes to moving. I've needed the help of friends and relatives more than one time. The fact is, I haven't asked for help the last two times I've moved--I feel like I've asked so much from those around me already.

The move before this one went better than the ones before, but there were still too many last minute trips to storage and to the dumpster. That is why Friday evening found me in a glow of pride. I was (finally) getting my act together. I just needed to move the bug and do some cleaning and we would be out!

The bug started making noise before I had gone a quarter of a mile, still in Middleton. I pulled over and looked things over. I figured the noise was the new wheel bearing because I couldn't see anything wrong.

I didn't make it out of Middleton. The right driver's side wheel of the bug passed me. Without the bug. I had seen the sparks and heard the noise and yanked over to the side of the road.

My tools were all in storage and the wrench I had wouldn't loosen wheel studs from the good wheels to put the wheel back on. I ended up knocking on a door and asking to leave the bug overnight. It was 10:30pm by the time I gave up.

I returned the next morning, bearing cinnamon rolls for the kind lady who hosted my bug. I found a couple wheel studs on and next to the road. I bought a tire iron and got that wheel back on. The bug towed like a dream, but it was the 1st. There was no joyful glow now. I missed my deadline. In fact, I hadn't gone back to clean the house the night before, so there was still work to do.

The moral I have received from all of this: Do what you can when you can as much as you can. Even then, know that it may not be enough.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Life is like "Moon Patrol" aka Fun with Grammar, aka Calvinists are Wrong!

There's a sentence that I agreed with the first time I read it. "Life is what happens while you're making other plans." The second (and every other) time I read it, I was just annoyed.

There is some truth in that statement. Case in point...

I moved closer to Boise a year ago to save on fuel and cut down on driving time to some of my customers. I didn't want to buy--the market was dropping then, so I rented. Guess what! The lease is up the end of this month and I have to leave. Doh!

The kids are already registered for school and I can't find a place in our town that meets our needs. Oh and August 1 was going to be the official roll out of our brand new, shiny, black, made from genuine naughas, content management system for Or maybe not.

Too bad I haven't started pod casting yet--I could chuckle about the experience with my audience.

Back to that statement. Life isn't what happens when you're making other plans. Sure, it throws a damper on your dreams sometimes. But life is more like Moon Patrol. You jump over obstacles or shoot them if warranted, while you're on your way, doing what you're doing.

Perhaps it's clearer to say that life is complicated mash of your actions and reactions in the stream of events around you. Bah! Life is like Moon Patrol.

I know some people who believe in predestination. I guess for them, life is more like a movie, they're just watching it from a first person point of view. Weird. I love you guys, but definitely weird. From my perspective, a higher being did not make the grape lady fall.

My Moon Patrol view of life is a simile. I know that can be confusing for some, so let me shift gears and give you a metaphor.

Life is Moon Patrol. You have an array of actions you may use at anytime, some of which have negative consequences.

My best wishes to you! May you hit the up button and space bar at all the right times!

P.S. "naugha" is not in's spell check. What's up with that?

Friday, July 10, 2009

Social Media: If YOU build it, they may not come!

I've been listening to a lot of marketing and social media marketing pod casts lately. A lot of what I've been hearing (with the exception of Marketing over Coffee) is this idea that being engaging in social media will garner traffic/business.

I understand why there are so many sources preaching this message, but I disagree.

I don't think that there is a deliberate attempt to mislead, I just think that there are some gifted people out there who don't realize the power of their strengths. They think success was just getting out there.

If you think about it, social media is a way of engaging people in a relationship. Like all relationships, some people are better fits than others.

I'm happy to say that my wife, Charity, and I are a great fit. She doesn't have to work at all to bring me contentment and fulfillment. Why is this? It's her personality, her gifts, her strengths. She just has to be who she is.

What if Charity was marketing some networking hardware. Her interactions in social media would bring about different results than my efforts. We're different people and we have different ways of managing relationships.

My conclusion is twofold:

1. Some people are going to have to work harder than others in social media marketing.
2. I'm lucky to have an amazing partner in life!

Monday, July 6, 2009

The Sputnik Moment

The inspiration for this post (i.e. credit or blame) goes to @dtapscott for tweeting about about a documentary on Youtube. It's called "The Sputnik Moment" and you can find it here.

The comparison and contrast to the present is my own. Frankly, this is a rant.

The movie describes the fears that motivated 1950s Americans to get in the space race. Americans were able to recognize a threat to their well being and to their standard of life.

I don't think that modern America has that foresight. There's a current threat to our well-being. It's about the dollar, where we spend it and how we borrow it. We also need to look at the choices we've made for the past three decades. We've sold our agriculture, manufacturing and banking to foreign interests.

This sounds like a blog about protectionism, but maybe it's a blog about networking.

There's a tech consulting company that has a branch in Boise. Their headquarters is in India. I understand that they're paying local people to do the work, and that's great. My question is, "What value is being added to the service by having headquarters in India?" They certainly aren't cheaper.

The Sputnik Moment shows a nation mobilizing its education system to produce scientists and engineers. There was a groundswell of support that pushed our nation into space. The push came from middle class America. Our middle class is a dying breed now. All the good paying jobs that require higher education and skills are heading out of the country.

What is causing the push? I think it's the investor. If a CEO of a publicly traded company doesn't perform annually, they're gone. Investors demand the best bottom line FOR THE QUARTER. Who cares whether the widgets could come from local companies that provide synergy for a penny more? Not investors.

Yet in my business, I'm willing to spend $30 more for a box of business cards because I have a relationship with the vendor. They'll throw me business and I'll do my best to do the same. As long as vendor quality is good, I'll pitch leads.

America's new economy may be the service economy. We'll provide bodies for call centers, outlet malls and fast food joints.

The moral? Every penny you spend is a vote. Spend them wisely, in the places that will benefit you and yours!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Social Media and Cycles

I started this blog because I have something to say...

and I don't want to mess up my business blog (

I just read an blog at that was written about social media hype and those who are hyping (that's a word, right?) it. Scott's blog refers to another blog that he says has bias toward social media. I'm not going to post the other blog because it looks like someone researched a lot of SEO phrases and put them into an article.

I agree with Scott that marketing people are biased towards social media. I also agree that old marketing strategies still have value.

There are a couple things that have been nagging me about social media.

Firstly, social media are driven by the people. I think it was Justin Foster of who pointed out on a podcast that audience driven agenda (crowd sourcing was what he was talking about) isn't new. Socrates (help me out if I'm wrong, Justin) referred to the people as "the polity", so what's happening now isn't new, we just have new tools to do it with. (I can end sentences with prepositions because I'm an American, and I'm celebrating Independence Day! Happy July 4th!)

The second thing that worries me is that things tend to be cyclic. I'm a latecomer to social media. I started a group on Facebook called "My Wife Made Me Join Facebook", and I was mostly joking when I did it. Now I have a company that has some great product offerings and I'm looking for ways to spread the news. Am I too late? I may have missed the wave.

I listen to a podcast at Somewhere in one of their interviews, the phenomenon of pop-up windows was discussed (not disgust, discussed). In the beginning, the pop-up windows were very effective, but the audience became hardened to them relatively quickly. I worry that social media may go the same way. There are thousands of us who are eloquent, erudite, etc. and we're all beginning to say something. I expect that people will start covering their ears after a while. This is especially true because social media are driven by the people.

Next time: Social media, Cycles and Seats