Friday, July 10, 2009

Social Media: If YOU build it, they may not come!

I've been listening to a lot of marketing and social media marketing pod casts lately. A lot of what I've been hearing (with the exception of Marketing over Coffee) is this idea that being engaging in social media will garner traffic/business.

I understand why there are so many sources preaching this message, but I disagree.

I don't think that there is a deliberate attempt to mislead, I just think that there are some gifted people out there who don't realize the power of their strengths. They think success was just getting out there.

If you think about it, social media is a way of engaging people in a relationship. Like all relationships, some people are better fits than others.

I'm happy to say that my wife, Charity, and I are a great fit. She doesn't have to work at all to bring me contentment and fulfillment. Why is this? It's her personality, her gifts, her strengths. She just has to be who she is.

What if Charity was marketing some networking hardware. Her interactions in social media would bring about different results than my efforts. We're different people and we have different ways of managing relationships.

My conclusion is twofold:

1. Some people are going to have to work harder than others in social media marketing.
2. I'm lucky to have an amazing partner in life!

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